Source code for cvss_rescore.cvsslib

import json
import logging

from cvss.cvss3 import CVSS3
from rule_engine import Rule, SymbolResolutionError, RuleSyntaxError
from .manualVettingException import ManualVettingException

[docs]class CvssLib: rules_actions = None logger = logging.getLogger() @classmethod def __init__(cls, rules_file_path: str): """ :param rules_file_path: str :rtype: object """ cls.rules_actions = cls.__get_rules_actions( rules_file_path=rules_file_path)
[docs] @classmethod def get_modified_cvss(cls, record: dict, original_vector_string: str) -> tuple: """ :param record: dict - This is a single vulnerability record from your json output file :param original_vector_string: str :return: :rtype: tuple - modified_vector_string, modified_environmental_score, \ modified_severity, rules_applied :exception: SymbolResolutionError will log to error if the path in your custom rule cannot be found in the source json file :exception: RuleSyntaxError will log to error if the rule you have defined cannot be parsed. :exception: ManualVettingException will be thrown if no rules were matched. This can be caught in your parent script """ # convert the original vector string to a dict original_vector_obj = cls.__str2dict(original_vector_string) # check if the vector string contains `CVSS` if original_vector_obj.get('CVSS') is None: raise ValueError('CVSS vector string does not contain CVSS, manual vetting required') else: # if we have a CVSS object and the value is 3.x, use the CVSS3 class # if we have a CVSS object and the value is 2.x, raise an error if original_vector_obj['CVSS'].startswith('3'): cvss_obj = CVSS3(original_vector_string) elif original_vector_obj['CVSS'].startswith('2'): raise ValueError(f'CVSS version {original_vector_obj["CVSS"]} is unsupported, manual vetting required') results = [] rules_applied = [] result = False for rule_action in cls.rules_actions: try: rule = Rule(rule_action['rule']) result = rule.matches(record) except SymbolResolutionError as srerr: cls.logger.error(f'{srerr.message}. The {srerr.symbol_name} block in the rules_actions.json file ' f'was not found in the json record') # if true, we need to update the vector string and return it. except RuleSyntaxError as rserr: cls.logger.error(f'{rserr.message}. The block value in the ' f'rules_actions.json file ' f'contains incorrect syntax.') if result is True: rules_applied.append({ "description": rule_action['description'], "vector_changes": rule_action["vector_changes"] }) for vector_change in rule_action["vector_changes"]: cvss_obj.metrics[vector_change['vector']] = vector_change['value'] cvss_obj.compute_temporal_score() cvss_obj.compute_environmental_score() results.append(result) if True not in results: raise ManualVettingException("No rescore rules were matched by this record. Manual vetting is required!") modified_vector_string = f'CVSS:3.{cvss_obj.minor_version}/{cls.__dict2str(cvss_obj.metrics)}' modified_environmental_score = cvss_obj.environmental_score modified_severity = cvss_obj.severities() return modified_vector_string, modified_environmental_score, \ modified_severity, rules_applied
@classmethod def __str2dict(cls, vector_string: str) -> dict: vector_dict = {} vector_parts = vector_string.split('/') for vector_part in vector_parts: key = vector_part.split(':')[0] value = vector_part.split(':')[1] vector_dict[key] = value return vector_dict @classmethod def __dict2str(cls, vector_object: dict) -> str: vector_string = '' for key in vector_object.keys(): value = vector_object[key] vector_part = f'{key}:{value}' vector_string = f'{vector_string}/{vector_part}' # remove leading / vector_string = vector_string.lstrip('/') return vector_string @classmethod def __get_rules_actions(cls, rules_file_path: str) -> dict: with open(rules_file_path, 'r') as r: rules_actions = json.load(r) return rules_actions