Sample CodeΒΆ

The following is a sample function:

def test_cvss3_does_not_throw_exception():
    # sample record simulating a single block from a JFrog XRay json result file
    record = {
        "locations": "",
        "package": {
            "Package": {
                "pm": "npm",
                "group": None,
                "name": "minimist",
                "version": "1.2.0",
                "vendor": None,
                "fixVersions": ["[1.2.6]"],
                "impactPaths": [["npm://covert:1.0.0", "npm://minimist:1.2.0"]]
            "Vulnerabilities": [{
                "id": "XRAY-000000",
                "title": "Critical vulnerability found in component temp_react_core",
                "description": "Prototype pollution vulnerability in function parseQuery in parseQuery.js in webpack loader-utils 2.0.0 via the name variable in parseQuery.js.",
                "cvssScore": "10.0",
                "cvssVector": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H",
                "cve": "CVE-2022-00000"
    # the original vector string from the first vulnerability for the package
    original_vector_string = record.get('package').get('Vulnerabilities')[0].get('cvssVector')
    # create the CvssLib object
    cvsslib = CvssLib(rules_file_path=rules_file)

    # get the modified_vector_string, modified_environmental_score, modified_severity, and rules_applied.
    modified_vector_string, \
        modified_environmental_score, \
        modified_severity, \
        rules_applied = cvsslib.get_modified_cvss(
    assert modified_severity[0] == 'Critical'


  • Modified Severity is a 4 value tuple representing the Cvss Base, Temporal, and Environmental scores, and the rules that were applied.

  • Rules Applied is a list of all rules that were actually applied against the record to determine the modified cvss score.

A full example with a real Snyk-generated results file and rule file for the tested project is available at